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Value Plus Influence Equals Compensation

How This Marketing Video Personally Affected Our Lives

What I love most about my career in real estate is that I get to enjoy it with my wife. Before, I did a lot of work in the music industry. In the end, I decided for the most part that music is fun regardless without the industry part! Katie, my wife, graduated college and took a corporate job in the health industry. Both of these industries is partly what lead us to Nashville. Maybe it was boredom, maybe a lack of fulfillment. Maybe it was the wrong path from the start. We believe part of it was God telling us that we can do even more with our lives. Safe to say, I’m glad we decided to not get stuck and to move forward with change in our lives. It took a lot of work, change, risk, and bottom feeding to get where we are now, and we still have plenty road ahead of us, but I’m glad we’re on the journey together.

What we’ve discovered quick is that giving to others by adding more value to what we do than taking in payment, and influencing others positively by placing their interests first, creates a direct correlation to our compensation, our worth, our careers, our fullness in life. How many people you serve, and how well you serve them directly influences your income, and builds great relationships at the same time. While we don’t have these virtues figured out completely, we’re definitely on the pursue to attempt just that.

The video above is a small example how we gained compensation because we were grateful to a local businessman in town. John Maher homes are among the best in Tennessee. We learned this when we EASILY started turning people on to them, and getting them sold. After getting a few clients in their homes, we decided to make a marketing video directly promoting John Maher Builders. Why? Because their product is so amazing, it added to our income. So we wanted to give back by adding value to what they were doing, while hopefully influencing others to also purchase their great product.

What happened a few months later was amazing. Having never met Mr. John Maher, he contacted us after seeing the video. He told us he loved what we were doing and believed in us. A few meetings later, he handed us the opportunity to do exclusive listings and marketing for his company. We are and will be forever grateful for the opportunity. Thanks John!

In closing, for marketing purposes in general, marketing is something you just do. You don’t try to figure out how much your going to gain from it first. You don’t just decide to not market yourself or your business because you’re scared of how much it might cost. That’s fear. Nothing good comes from fear. Instead you market WELL, then market more, add value, influcence others, and then the gains will reveal themselves.

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